
Lina Selander : When the sun sets it´s all red,...

Thursday October 2, 5:00pm - 8:00pm
NORDIN GALLERY, Tulegatan 19, Stockholm.
Please notice the gallery's new opening hours: Thursday–Sunday 12–17.
Lina Selander's work When the sun sets it's all red, then it disappears takes Jean-Luc Godard's 1967 film La Chinoise as its starting point.It is an installation in three parts: a series of almost entirely black-and-white stills, a film showing the shadow on a wall of a moving foliage of a tree, colored red, and a voice reading a text. It examines the relationship between political, utopian and emotional expressions in words and images, it explores the revolutionary zeal of a time and the desire to start all over again.La Chinoise is a film in the making, a film that tells the story of a revolutionary and truth-seeking common narrative while at the same time trying to be a part of it, sharing its inherent expressions and problems. Lina Selander's installation is also a work in the making, engaging and evolving around Godard's film and the questions it addresses and responds to.But it is also an installation about photography and storytelling.Most of the photographs in the series of stills are from the 1968 student revolts in Paris and Stockholm, taken at meetings and manifestations. But they also show other motifs, such as a close-up of a growing blob of moisture on a news reel showing Chairman Mao swimming in the Yellow River, personal photos and some stills from La Chinoise.All images have been photographed with flash and all photos have a white circular reflection on them which may represent or constitute a common space where the spectator's space and that of the motif overlap, but where they are also defined as separate ? a blinding dazzle or hole in the image which ultimately blocks any final narrative and forces itself into the motifs and events that are being documented.Lina Selander works mainly with moving images in film and video, but also with photography, text and sound. Her works are often installations where these different medias and components converge and interrelate to one another. She is interested in the image's ability and lack of ability to reproduce time, memories and experience and she explores how different narrative forms and techniques transform and change a story. Her works investigates film as medium, examining its possibilities and limitations as form of expression. Lina Selander's work have been shown at Gävle Art Center, Bonniers Konsthall, 300 m3 Art Space and Moderna Museet as well as in several group shows and festivals abroad, for example the Transmediale 05 in Berlin where she received an honorable mention. She has also received the Maria Bonnier Dahlin prize for young artists and The Edstrand Foundation Art Prize 2008.

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